Privacy Policy

Paio Solutions is a tech focused marketing consultancy that helps businesses grow using the latest emerging tools and our industry experience.

Last Updated: Wednesday 12 June 2024

1. Overview

At Paio Solutions Ltd we care about your privacy and wish to be transparent about the way we use your data. This privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, and share your personal data while you interact with our website. By continuing to use our website and interact with us on social media, you agree to the privacy policy outlined below.

2. What data do we collect

We collect data when you interact with our website, make a purchase on our website, register with one of the forms on our website, ask us questions, comment on posts or pages on our website, or when you follow us on social media or comment on any posts on social media. We may use this data to tailor content and advertisements for you, to analyse and improve our website and marketing, to communicate with you, for legal purposes, to fulfil products and services, for security purposes, and for administrative purposes.

  • Personal data – this is data that is specific to you as an individual such as title, name, email address, phone number, gender, location, or age. This information is provided to us voluntarily through the use of the forms on our website or through making a purchase on our website.
  • Financial data – this is data such as shipping address, billing address and credit card information which are required in order to purchase products or services on our website. We process this information in order to fulfil your purchase and retain transaction records.
  • Technical data – this is data which is collected about how you interact with our website, this might include IP address, browser information, which webpages you visit, how long you visit these webpages, number of page visits, the actions you take on our website, how you interact with our website, geographical information, and time zones. We use this data to analyse the effectiveness of our marketing, tailor content based on your information and in order to analyse and improve your user experience.
  • Preferences – this is data pertaining to your marketing preferences, such as whether you are opted into marketing campaigns or not and what type of content you prefer to see. We process this information to allow you to participate in marketing campaigns, ensure that we do not contact you if that is your preference, provide you with relevant content and to analyse the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.
  • Sensitive data – this is data such as religion, race, ethnicity, disability, health-related information, political opinions, philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, biometric data or data about trade union membership. Paio Solutions Ltd does not collect sensitive data of any kind.

3. How do we collect data

Most of that data that we collect will be provided by you voluntarily through the use of our website forms or when you make a purchase of products or services. We also might receive information from third parties such as Instagram, Facebook and Google. We also collect data automatically on our website using cookies or tracking pixels.

4. Why we might disclose your information

There are a few situations where we might disclose your data, but we will always do so according to the law and with your privacy and security in mind.

  • Legal reasons – we might disclose your information for legal processes or to protect the rights, property and/or safety of others.
  • Protection reasons – we might disclose your information to protect our company for the purpose of investigating violation of policies, insurance purposes, or for financial or legal advice.
  • Technical reasons – we might disclose your information to our service providers for IT or administration services.
  • Sale of business/bankruptcy reasons – we might disclose your information in the event of the sale of all or part of our business.

5. Children

This website is not intended for use of children under 16 year of age. We do not sell products to children under 16 years of age. If you or anyone you know using the website is under the age of 16 please let us know by email, so that we can remove their information from our database.

6. Transfer of data

As we use third party service providers who are based outside of the European Economic Area (EEA), your data may be transferred to servers located outside of the EEA.

We take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy and no transfer of your personal data will take place to an organisation or a country unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of your data and other personal information.

7. Data retention

We will retain your data as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose it was intended for and for business or contractual obligations, as well as to fulfil any legal, accounting, tax or reporting requirements.

We may keep your data stored in our database unless you request it be deleted. You can make a request to delete your data at any time, please see your legal rights below.

8. Data security

We take all measures possible in order to protect your data and keep it secure. Data will only be accessible to trusted employees and third party partners on a need-to-know basis.

We will notify you of any serious breach in security which may affect your personal data.

9. Passwords

There may be certain areas of the site that are only accessible by logging in using a username and password. It is up to you to ensure that your username and password are secure and used appropriately. You are responsible for any action or misuse while your username and password is in use. Only save your username and passwords on devices that are for personal use and not on devices accessible to the public such as in libraries, schools or at work. Paio Solutions Ltd is not responsible for any damages incurred due to the use of your account whether your password was shared intentionally or not. If you know of any misuse, unauthorised or inappropriate use of your password and/or username please contact Paio Solutions Ltd at

10. Legal rights

If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA), you have certain rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). To exercise any of the below rights, contact us at

  • The right to information – you have the right to ask what personal data we process and the rationale for this processing.
  • The right to access – you have the right to ask for all personal data held in our database.
  • The right of rectification – you have the right to have your information rectified if that information is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • The right to withdraw consent – you also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
  • The right to object – you have the right to object to our processing of your personal data.
  • The right of restriction – you have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal information.
  • The right to data portability – you have the right to be provided with a copy of the information we have on you in a structured, machine-readable and commonly used format.
  • The right to be forgotten – you have the right to request we remove you and all personal information from our database.

11. Cookies

We use third party cookies across the website for tracking, personalisation, functionality and to create a better experience for you. When you first arrive on our website, you will be asked to consent to cookies. If you wish to disable cookies, you can do so in your browser settings. If you do so, this will affect the way you interact with our website and certain functionalities might be disabled. Please see our cookie policy for full details.

12. Third party links, affiliates and advertisers

Our website might contain links for third party websites, applications and plugins. We may use third party advertising companies to run ads using the information we collect through cookies. We may share information with affiliates who promote our products or services. We are not responsible for your privacy when leaving our site or interacting with third parties. For information on how third parties use your data, please consult their privacy policy.

13. Contact

Registered name: Paio Solutions Ltd.
Address: Prof. Katzir 5 - Rehovot, Israel